
On campus

When you access e-resources on campus, you may be logged in automatically to access the articles in our subscriptions. If not, you should look for the Shibboleth/Institutional/Academic option, follow the on-screen instructions and log in using your University user ID and password. Once you're logged in if you are still being asked to pay, this means we do not have a subscription and so you will need to request the article through our interlibrary loan service.


If you are accessing these from home or elsewhere, and if you are taken to an external website/provider's website, you may need to log in. You should look for the Shibboleth/Institutional/Academic option, follow the on-screen instructions and log in using your University user ID and password. Once you're logged in if you are still being asked to pay, this means we do not have a subscription and so you will need to request the article through our interlibrary loan service.