
We can help you to:

• Look up print resources using Library Search and find them on the shelves in the library, we can then help you to issue them to your library account. If you want to reserve a resource, we can help you to do that too.
• Find and use online resources using Library Search, such as e-books and journal articles.
• Use subject-specific databases and other key subject resources.
• Use the printers to release print jobs, scan, and photocopy.

Self-service units and lapsafes

If you need a hand using the self-service units, we can show you how to use them to borrow and issue print resources. We can also talk you through and show you how to borrow and return self-service laptops from lapsafes (special lockers that keep the laptops and charges safe and secure when not in use).

Printing and adding print credit

We can offer basic guidance on sending documents to the printers from PCs and from your own device using the University's Mobility Print service. Similarly, we can offer basic guidance on adding print credit to your account using PaperCut. We can walk you through guidance on how to log on to the eduroam WiFi network. For more in-depth help with these systems, we may need to refer you to the University's Technical Services teams or to the University's Print Centre.

Non-Library systems

Whilst we cannot help use other University systems such as Canvas or e:Vision, as they are not Library systems, we can point you to other teams who can help such as The Gateway and CELT.

Issues with a Library laptop or your own device

You may come to us to ask for help using a Library laptop or your own device. Please understand we are not able to troubleshoot specific technical issues with devices and on these occasions, we would need to refer you to the University's Technical Services team.

Apps and programmes

If you need help using apps or programmes such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel, we can point you to the built-in help features. Please understand that our staff may all have different levels of experience and knowledge using these systems. We may call on our own personal awareness and knowledge to help find an answer for you, or we may need to direct you to other online help or other University teams such as Technical Services. This means that not all Library staff will be able to help with every query of this nature, so please do not be offended if someone is unable to help you.