
We subscribe to content from external providers and the accessibility of these resources can vary. If your screen reader cannot read the full text of an article or book in our collections, please let us know.

TextHelp Read&Write

Read&Write is available on all desktop PCs as part of the Student Desktop. It is a software toolbar that offers support with everyday tasks like reading text out loud and understanding unfamiliar words. It is particularly useful for anyone who has dyslexia but has broader use. Click here for a YouTube tutorial.

• Read aloud web pages, emails, and documents.
• Convert documents and web pages into MP3 files.
• Understand unfamiliar words with text and picture dictionaries.
• Accessibility features like screen tint to help those with dyslexia and visual stress.

Using e-books

• How do I turn on accessibility features when using e-books?
• How do I use a screen reader with an e-book?
• How can I have an e-book read aloud to me?
• How do I turn on OpenDyslexic typeface when using e-books?

Accessibility support

Read more about the accessibility features of different web browsers, applications, and resources using the links below:

Name Additional information
Adobe Information on setting accessibility preferences when using Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF file formats).
Apple Apple products such as iPhone and Mac.
Google Google products such as Android, Chrome, Chromebook, and YouTube.
Microsoft Microsoft products such as Windows and Office.
Cite Them Right Information on accessibility when using Cite Them Right.
Ex Libris Primo Information on accessibility when using Library Search.
ProQuest Ebook Central Information on accessibility features and how to choose your reading experience when using this e-book provider
VLeBooks Information on accessibility features and reading choices when using this e-book provider.

Make your device easier to use

There are changes you can make to your device and browser setup to make working online more accessible. AbilityNet's My Computer My Way guides offer step-by-step instructions on how to adapt your phone, computer, or tablet to meet your needs. Click here to browse.

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