This error message usually occurs when the system has successfully logged you into the part of the system that enables you to access e-books and journals, but not to the part that connects to your Library Account where you view your borrowed books, interlibrary loans, etc.
We can help you to resolve this.
If you are a student or member of University staff
Contact us via Library Talk.
If you are a member of a partner college staff
Please continue to log in with your user ID and ignore the subsequent error message. Your log-in credentials provide full access to the e-books and journals that are provided for you (in compliance with license legislation) and can continue to make the most of Library Search. You are seeing the error message because as an off-campus partner college member of staff you do not have an on-campus Library Account, as this is used to borrow print books on campus.
If you have any questions please contact us via Library Talk.