Big Talk to the Library 2025

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Frequently asked questions

Keep up to date with your subject

Read your subject guide, created by your Academic Liaison Librarian. University of Sunderland Library guides.

Develop your academic skills

We offer a range of skills for learning resources and support, or you can take part in a library drop-in or workshop. The Numeracy and Study Skills advisers provide one-to-one support whenever you need a helping hand with your studies. Study skills development and support.


Your feedback helps us to shape and deliver services tailored to your needs and that make a difference to your University life. You can leave your own feedback and read feedback left by others in our online database. Feedback database.

Privacy statement

University of Sunderland Library & Learner Development will use the information you provide to respond to your questions as well as to gather aggregate usage statistics on the platform used, Springshare LibAnswers, according to the University of Sunderland's Privacy Policy. By submitting your information on this platform, you acknowledge that the information will be transferred to LibAnswers for processing in accordance with Springshare's Privacy Policy and GDPR Compliance Terms.